

截止2023年我组在国内外学术刊物发表论文700余篇,部分工作发表在在Nat. Methods,Nat. Chem. Biol.,PNAS, Nat.Commun., Nat. Protoc.,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, JACS, Chem. Sci., Anal. Chem.等权威期刊上。


Analysis of oxidized multi-walled carbon nanotubes in single K562 cells by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence

Hua Xiao, Lisong Yang, Hanfa Zou, Ling Yang, X. Chris Le

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2007, 387, 119-126


Advances in hyphenated analytical techniques for shotgun proteome and peptidome analysis—A review

Lianghai Hu, Mingliang Ye, Xiaogang Jiang, Shun Feng, Hanfa Zou

Analytica Chimica Acta, 2007, 598, 193-204


Immobilized Zirconium Ion Affinity Chromatography for Specific Enrichment of Phosphopeptides in Phosphoproteome Analysis

Shun Feng, Mingliang Ye, Houjiang Zhou, Xiaogang Jiang, Xingning Jiang, Hanfa Zou, Bolin Gong

Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 2007, 6, 1656-1665


Development of Efficient Protein Extraction Methods for Shotgun Proteome Analysis of Formalin-Fixed Tissues

Xiaogang Jiang, Xinning Jiang, Shun Feng, Ruijun Tian, Mingliang Ye, Hanfa Zou

Journal of Proteome Research, 2007, 6,1038-1047


Characterization of enantioselective binding of racemic natural tetrahydropalmatine to DNA by chromatographic methods

Xingye Su, Feng Qin, Liang Kong, Junjie Ou, Chuanhui Xie, Hanfa Zou

Journal of Chromatography B, 2007, 845, 174–179






Automated injection of uncleaned samples using a ten-port switching valve and a strong cation-exchange trap column for proteome analysis

Fangjun Wang, Xiaogang Jiang, Shun Feng, Ruijun Tian, Xinning Jiang,Guanghui Han, Hongwei Liu, Mingliang Ye, Hanfa Zou

Journal of Chromatography A, 2007, 1171, 56–62






Fe3+ immobilized metal affinity chromatography with silica monolithic capillary column for phosphoproteome analysis

Shun Feng, Chensong Pan, Xiaogang Jiang, Songyu Xu, Houjiang Zhou, Mingliang Ye, Hanfa Zou

Proteomics, 2007, 7, 351-360


Separation of basic and acidic compounds by capillary electrochromatography using monolithic silica capillary columns with zwitterionic stationary phase

Jiwei Hu, Chuanhui Xie, Ruijun Tian, Zhike He, Hanfa Zou

Journal of Separation Science, 2007, 30, 891-899
